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Professur für Standorts-
und Vegetationskunde/
Chair of Site Classification and
Vegetation Science
Tennenbacherstr. 4
D 79085 Freiburg

Tel.  +49-(0)761/203 3678
Fax  +49-(0)761/203 3781




Natural regeneration of oaks along a climatic drought gradient on limestone
Regeneration of the Robinson Crusoe’s island original Forest (Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile)
Waldbau und Baumartenwahl in Zeiten des Klimawandels aus Sicht des Naturschutzes
Forest structure, tree species composition and diversity in Amazonian black-water floodplains in relation to hydro-chemical gradients
The influence of the cultivation of spruce (Picea abies) on ground vegetation, humus and topsoil on limestone beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest sites of the Schwäbischen Alb, Germany
Succession of windthrown forests in relation to stand conditions in several regions of Baden- Württemberg and in relation to stand treatment on acidic soils in the Odenwald mountains
The evolution and current state of nutrient poor, acid swamp forests in the northern Black Forest region, south-west Germany
Vegetation and sites of fir forests on Mt. Oxia (central Greece), with emphasis on the morphological adaptation of Greek fir trees to drought
Vegetation and sites near the ecotone between near-natural beech (Fagus sylvatica) and black pine (Pinus nigra) forests on the eastern slopes of Mt. Olympos, Greece
Plant communities and land use history of the lower montane tropical cloud forests of the Andes of Mérida, Venezuela
Canopy gaps and understorey light conditions effect on forest floor vegetation and regeneration patterns of Nothofagus betuloides forests in Tierra del Fuego, Chile (concluded 01/2009)
Conservation of flora and fauna of arid sites through the improvement of pine forests in the 'Trockenaue' (arid floodplain) along the Oberrhein
Analysis of the usability and implementation of existing North American decision support systems in the forestry sector. Case study: Evaluation of landscape integrity and management planning.
Vegetation and structure of forest gaps in the cloud forests of Sierra de Lema, Gran Sabana, Venezuela
Influence of forest fertilisation on ground vegetation, humus and topsoil after forty years - a study on red sandstone areas in the Black Forest, Germany.
Anthropogenic disturbances affecting SOUTHERN BEECH (Nothofagus pumilio) forests at “torres del paine” biosphere reserve, Southern Chilean Patagonia
Regeneration and Growth of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur) on xerothermous sites in the Upper Rhine Valley
Impact of local forest use on mixed forests in Apuseni-mountains, Romania
The epiphytic mosses and lichens in the southern Black Forest, Germany, as influenced by climate and management
The influence of land use changes on the pasture vegetation of the Apuseni Mountains, Romania
The influence of agroforestry on vegetation and the landscape in Vikos-Aoos National Park, north eastern Greece
Plant species composition along railway tracks of the "Deutsche Bahn AG" under special consideration of the application of herbicides
The epiphytic and lianoid vegetation on Weinmannia racemosa in warm temperate rain forests in Camp Creek, Central Westland, South Island, New Zealand
Pine forests in the Daxinganling Mountains, northeastern China - flora, vegetation, forest structure
Forest vegetation and sites in Odaesan National Park (South Korea) as the basis for a site ecology approach and environmentally freindly, nature orientated forest utilisation
The silver fir forest associations of Bavaria - a vegetation science study in a European context, with silvicultural observations and an evaluation with respect to nature conservation
Grassland vegetation in western Leyte, Philippines.
Vegetation of the semi-evergreen submontane forests, agricultural and fallow land on the Paria Peninsula, Venezuela
Flora and vegetation of the Ávila National Park (Coastal Cordillera, Venezuela), with particular emphasis on the cloud forests
Vegetation development on windthrown sites on the Schwäbischen Alb
Natural succession on windthrown sites in Baden-Württemburg and their significance for nature conservation
Plant diversity and utilisation of rattan gardens – a contribution to participatory biodiversity conservation amongst the Benuaq tribe in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Forestry and endangered vascular plants. Species - sites - land use
Impact of local forest use on mixed forests in Apuseni-mountains, Romania
Potentials for sustainable development of a traditional landscape in eastern Europe: Case study in Apuseni mountains, Romania
Site conditions, vegetation and utilisation of afforested areas in northern Shaanxi, northwestern China
The vegetation of calcareous beech forests as a factor of site and utilisation
The ecology of downy oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) and its hybrids on limestone at the northern limits of its distribution - a study of the interrelations between soil, climate, and vegetation
Effect of land use changes on ecosystem structures, species compositions and ecosystem services: a case study from the transition zone between the Valdivian coastal range and the central valley of Chile
Umsetzung des 2 % Ziels für Wildnisgebiete aus der Nationalen Biodiversitätsstrategie
Improvement of the forest ecological knowledge base for sustainable forestry and forest conservation in Montenegro
Forest vegetation and site - Fundamentals for a site-adapted selection of tree species in montane semi-natural forests in the Western Qingling Mountains, Gansu Province, China
Implementation of the 2% wilderness-goal of the National Biodiversity Strategy
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