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Canopy gaps and understorey light conditions effect on forest floor vegetation and regeneration patterns of Nothofagus betuloides forests in Tierra del Fuego, Chile (concluded 01/2009)


Nothofagus betuloides (Coigue de Magallanes) is dominating in Tierra del Fuego, Chile, over large forested areas in pure stands, and in stands mixed with Nothofagus pumilio (Lenga). The natural regeneration of N. betuloides appears to be successful in canopy gaps as well as in the understorey of the adjacent stands. It seems, that the light availability is not very different within these forests. This could be shown by measurements using hemispherical photographs in gaps, at the gap borders, and in the understorey of the adjacent stands. These patterns can be explained by the high geographical latitude, related to the low position of the sun, and the relative small dimensions of the canopy gaps. Because of this, N. betuloides can be regarded as a semishade- to shade-tolerant tree species.



Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Albert Reif
Researcher:Alvaro Promis
Main parnterUniversity of Chile, Department of Silviculture.
Funding:   DAAD, CONICYT, International PhD Program (IPP)
Duration: Apr. 2005 – Sep. 2008
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