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Implementation of the 2% wilderness-goal of the National Biodiversity Strategy


The National Biodiversity Strategy (NBS) of the German Government aims at leaving 2 % of the land area of Germany under natural dynamics, and declaring that until the year of 2020. Due to this strategy the research and development project “Implementation of the 2% wilderness-goal of the National Biodiversity Strategy” was launched by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. As part of this project, a definition for wilderness areas as intended by the NBS will be developed and criteria for an appropriate evaluation of potential wilderness areas shall be generated.
Based on these criteria, an analysis of potential landscapes will be performed, combined with an compilation of the area of already existing and potential wilderness areas in Germany. the data of the research and development project “Natural forest development (5%) as a goal of the National Biodiversity Strategy” will coordinated and compared within these projects. Development and implementation strategies will be defined for potential wilderness areas. The information for the actual and potential wilderness areas will be presented in profiles as well as in a data base connected to a geographical information system.


Supervisors: Prof. Albert Reif, Dr. Stefanie Gärtner
Researcher: M.Sc. Nicolas Schoof
Funding: Bundeamt für Naturschutz (BFN)
Duration: 01.08.2012 – 31.01.2014
Partners: University Kassel, Chair of Ecological Site and Vegetation Science, Prof. Dr. Gert Rosenthal, Dr. Jochen Godt, Gottschalkstr. 26 a, 34127 Kassel.
University Kassel, Chair of Landscape Development / Environmental and Planning Law, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. iur. Andreas Mengel, Henschelstraße 2, 34109 Kassel


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