You are here: Home Research and Publications Projects Forest vegetation and sites in Odaesan National Park (South Korea) as the basis for a site ecology approach and environmentally freindly, nature orientated forest utilisation
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Professur für Standorts-
und Vegetationskunde/
Chair of Site Classification and
Vegetation Science
Tennenbacherstr. 4
D 79085 Freiburg

Tel.  +49-(0)761/203 3678
Fax  +49-(0)761/203 3781



Forest vegetation and sites in Odaesan National Park (South Korea) as the basis for a site ecology approach and environmentally freindly, nature orientated forest utilisation


Die Flora und Vegetation der montanen Wälder im Odaesan-Nationalpark in Südkorea werden beschrieben und kartiert.




Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Albert Reif


Sun Yee (Dissertation 1997)


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