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Professur für Standorts-
und Vegetationskunde/
Chair of Site Classification and
Vegetation Science
Tennenbacherstr. 4
D 79085 Freiburg

Tel.  +49-(0)761/203 3678
Fax  +49-(0)761/203 3781



Dr. Joachim Schmerbeck

Curriculum vitae

since 2005: Scientific staff at the Silviculture Institute of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg


2003-2005: Scientific staff at the Chair for silviculture and forest planning of the Techische Universität München and associated researcher at the Center for Development Research Bonn (ZEF)


1998-2002: Doctoral course for Dr. rer.silv.
“Patterns of forest use and its influence on degraded dry forests:
A case study in Tamil Nadu, South India”


1996-1998: State Forester Candidate at the State Forest Administration of Baden Württemberg


1995-1996: Study trip to East-Africa and India


1989-1995: Studies of forestry at the Technische Universität München

“Studies on long term forest management strategies of Mixed mountain forests”
“Determinants of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources: The Case of Joint Forest Management (JFM) in India”

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