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Professur für Standorts-
und Vegetationskunde/
Chair of Site Classification and
Vegetation Science
Tennenbacherstr. 4
D 79085 Freiburg

Tel.  +49-(0)761/203 3678
Fax  +49-(0)761/203 3781



Osvaldo J. Vidal

PhD student


Tennenbacherstr. 4
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau     


Tel. 0761/203-8604
Fax 0761/203-3781




Current project


Curriculum vitae



Vidal OJ., San Martín C., Mardones S., Bauk V. & C. Vidal (2012) The orchids of Torres del Paine Biosphere Reserve: the need of species monitoring and ecotourism planning for biodiversity conservation. Gayana Botánica 69: 136-146.

Bannister JR., Vidal OJ., Teneb E. & V. Sandoval (2012). Latitudinal patterns and regionalization of plant diversity along a 4,270 km gradient in continental Chile. Austral Ecology 37: 500-509

Vidal OJ., Bannister JR, Sandoval V., Pérez Y. & C. Ramírez (2011). Woodland communities in the Chilean Cold-Temperate Zone (Baker and Pascua basins): floristic composition and morpho-ecological transition. Gayana Botánica 68: 141-154.

Vidal OJ. & A. Reif (2011). Effect of a tourist-ignited wildfire on Nothofagus pumilio forests at Torres del Paine Biosphere Reserve, Chile (Southern Patagonia). Bosque 32: 64-76.
Vidal OJ. (2007) Flora Torres del Paine Field Guide. Fantástico Sur (Eds.), 2nd edition, 348 pp.


Vidal OJ. (2012) Torres del Paine, ecoturismo e incendios forestales: perspectivas de investigación y manejo para una biodiversidad erosionada. Bosque Nativo 50: 33-39.

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